Participate in the Process! |
How did the Master Plan process get started? |
Southampton is a town that has experienced a great deal of new development in recent years. A few years ago, the Board of Selectmen realized that there was a need for a Comprehensive Master Plan for the town. The Planning Board also began to discuss the need for a Master Plan, and the Board of Selectmen began the process of finding funding for this effort. In May of 2008, the Board of Selectmen approved a Capital Plan that included funding for the Master Plan. The town then hired the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) to coordinate the Master Planning process and to work with the town to write the Plan. The first step in the process was to form a Master Plan Committee to work with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and oversee the planning process. An advertisement for committee members was placed on the Southampton Town Website, and a number of key stakeholder groups, boards and committees were approached in order to ensure diverse representation on the committee. There was a great deal of interest, and a broad range of stakeholders were selected to sit on the committee. For more information, visit our Master Plan Committee page. |
What is the process for creating the Master Plan? |
At the beginning of the Master Planning Process, the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) and the Master Plan Committee will work together to collect data and gather community input. After community input is collected, PVPC and the Master Plan Committee will work to both analyze and synthesize the information we have collected, creating the Master Plan document text and maps as we do this. Finally, PVPC will present the results to the community and work to have the plan adopted by the town. After the Plan is adopted, we will develop implementation strategies. |
Basic Planning Process | ||||||
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Detailed (Step-by-Step) Process | ||||||
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How can residents participate and give input? | ||||||
Residents are asked to participate in the Community Interviews, to complete a Community Survey, and attend the Visioning sessions. Resident input is also welcome at Master Plan Committee meetings and throughout the process. | ||||||
What is the Timeline? | ||||||
Our Master Plan will be created over the next four years. Phase One (September 2009 – June 2010) includes data analysis and public input. In Phases Two and Three (July 2010 – June 2012), the plan will be written, including Goals, Strategies & Actions for each topic area, as well as development of maps and graphics. In Phase Four (July 2012 – June 2013), the Plan will be finalized and adopted and we will begin work on implementation. This information is summarized in the table below.
The success of this process relies on YOU!
Please talk with your neighbors about it and come out and participate! Share your ideas for the future of Southampton! |